I received my SnuggleTite Slumber Bag when my son was 2 months old. I've used it every night since then, he's 3 now, his feet touch the bottom of the bag, so it's only a matter of time before he will outgrow it. I've since had a daughter and she will be using the same bag, but I also purchased a new one for her. I don't know what I would have done without my Slumber Bag, we are avid campers and have been for many years, my big concern was the cold evenings, nights, mornings and how I would be able to keep the kids warm, up until I purchased the slumber bags we had the kids sleep with us to ensure that they stayed covered all night. Since the purchase of the slumber bags, we don't worry about keeping the kids warm and they now sleep in their own beds, which is an added bonus! Thank you.