SnuggleTITE Slumber Bag
This easy, warm and comfortable way to swaddle your baby allows baby to enjoy much needed developmental rest and growth through the nourishment of deep REM sleep.
The safe way for children to carry a house key. Most kids carry a house key on a lanyard or some type of rope/string around their neck, not only does this pose a risk of strangulation but also brings to people's attention that the child will be home alone, not a good idea in this day and age.
Jadens World products designed for childrens safety and for parents peace of mind
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SnuggleTite Slumber Bag
Allows for thermostat adjustment saving on heating costs and energy consumption.
Great for summer use with air conditioned homes.
Ideal for camping, cottage and boating for those cool nights.
SnuggleTite Slumber Bag is proud to be an iParenting Media Award Winner
Key Katz $6.95
Snuggle Tite Slumber Bag $39.95